​​TAX ID #
Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA

 Saint Sri Panduranga Malyala 

 Founder and President of the 1st Shirdi Sai Baba Temple

      Saint  Sri  Panduranga Malyala merged with Baba on Wednesday, June 9th at 8:31 pm on  Vaisakha Bahula Amavasya.

    The cremation ceremony was performed on Friday, June 11th in Puttaparthy , which he regarded as Kaliyuga Vaikutam. Astika nimarjanam was done in Chitravati river. By his eldest son Veera Venkata Raghavanand. 

Dear Devotees,
 My father Saint Panduranga Rao Malyala, merged with Baba on  Vaisakha Amavasya  June 9th , 2021, in Hyderabad, AP India.  He was 81 years old.  First death anniversary is on Vaisakha Amavasya on May 29th, 2022.
Panduranga Rao was born May 23, 1944, in Mallam village, East Godavari District, Andhara Pradesh, India.  He married Mahalakshmi Banda in Atapaka village, Kaikalur Taluq, Krishna District, India on May 6, 1968. Came to America to study in 1975.  He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1978.  He was the first Manager at Sri Venkateswara Temple, Pittsburgh.   Later, he founded the FIRST Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple in 1985 in the basement of his home.  With the galloping grace of  Baba, the site of the current Temple was purchased in 1991. He was honored (titled) as Vajapayee in 2006 for conducting numerous Peace Yagnas over his lifetime.    He attained Sainthood in May 2009.
Saint Panduraga loved all beings.  He has helped numerous people over his lifetime.  His mission of  his life was Vedam, Annadanam, and Yagnam.  To carry out his mission he has established many Veda Patasalas in India.  The two main schools are located in Kakinada, AP and Puttaparthy, AP.  Yagnas and Annadams were conducted throughout his lifetime.  He was always serving others.  He performed Krishna Yajur Veda & Sama Veda Paryanams and Annadanam in Puttaparty two months before merging with Baba in 2021, for the welfare of to recover from the Corona Virus pandemic.   I am honored to carry on his mission, with my wife Smt. Pallavi whom He trained and groomed to continue the divine work ordered to us by BABA.  
Saint Panduranga Rao is survived by his wife,  Smt. Mahalakshmi.
Son Veeravenkata Raghava Anand, wife Pallavi and grandson Sai Pranav Anand Malyala. 
Son Sri Kanaka Sai Krishna Anand Malyala, wife Vandana, and granddaughter Veda Sai.
Daughter  Annapoorna Praphula Anand Sikha, husband Naresh, and grandson Ishwar Satya Anand. 
Let us all strive to follow the life of Saint Panduranga Rao by supporting the Vedic education, Annadanam, and Yagnas for Peace. Feed the birds and ants.  Love one another, grow together and prosper together.    
May all be happy, May all be healthy, May all see auspicious things!  O lord Lead us from Darkness to Light, Ignorance to Wisdom, Mortality to Immortality.  -- Peace, Love, and Tranquility.
                                        In Loving service - Veeravenkata R Malayla,  President

Dear Embodiments of Divine Love:


      Sri Sai Baba shower His Galloping Grace upon all those who graciously donated, supported, and contributed to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple—Pittsburgh for the past years, both in donations and services.                             

                      Jai Sairam!   

Dear Embodiments of Divine Love:


   ​"It is an honor and privilege to be ordained in SAI Seva and to continue the divine work.

                          Sri Veera Venkata Raghavaanand  Malyala                                  Smt Pallavi  Malyala 

                                                               Jai Sairam!   

Founder's Message

                 ​​​​My Life Is My Message - Vedam - Yagnam - Annadanam




Vedam: The temple has established Veda Patasaalas -Kakinada, Puttaparthy in Andhra Pradesh and other locations ( Varanasi - kasi) in Indian. 

Yagnam: By the Grace and Command of Sai Baba we have rendered Universal Peace Yagna since  1990 in India and USA. 

​Annadanam: Feeding the hungry is the greatest gift of all gifts. Lots of needy people have been fed during the past  years till date. Vastra daanam (Clothes) were also distributed to the needy over the years.

   By the Grace of Baba and your support the Temple devotees will continue these programs. 

"May Baba Bless us all! Peace be to all.  Help Ever, Hurt Never.  Love all, Serve all"                                       - Saint  Brahma Sri Panduranga Malyala & Yogini Smt Maha Lakshmi  

"Behind  every inspiration their is a divine will"

                                                                         - Jai Sairam 

Divine Encounter:  The founder, established the 1st Shirdi Sai Baba Temple in USA, Saint Vajeepeya  Sri Panduranga Rao Malyala was blessed with the darshan of Baba not once but twice before he moved to the United  States and got into His path.  Here are his experiences in his own words:

It was in January, 1970 I came from my office at about 1:30pm home for my lunch.  There was a person sitting on the front porch. He had a beard and was smoking beedi (cigarette).  He looked very suspicious to me.  When I was ready to go into the house the Fakir said: I was sent by Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.  He wants to conduct a yagna in Puri Jagannadha. He asked me Dakshina of 10 coconuts or equivalent money for the 10 coconuts.  The entire conversation was Hindi language.  I replied, “I do not have anything”.  The fakir said with very loving and sweet voice, “my dear son why are you lying? You have fifty rupees in your pocket and they are all new ten rupee notes which you withdrew from the bank on the way home”.

     Though I was surprised, still I did not want to give him 10 rupees.  I decided to give only 5 rupees, I tried to get change from neighbors.  Failing upon to get change, I reluctantly gave him 10 rupees though only wanted to give 5 rupees.  Then the Fakir asked me to open my hand and created VIBHUTI (holy ash) and poured it in my palm.  Then he closed my hand and advised me to go inside the house and open my hand.  My wife was observing what was happening.  I opened my palm in front of my wife.
  The VIBHUTI became a rose flower to our dismay... Fakir advised me to keep that safely.  HIS SWEET VOICE AND THIS INCIDENT TRIGGERED MY HEART AND OPENED MY EYES AND BROUGHT CHANGE IN MY LIFE. 


      It was December, 1973.  I was sitting outside the home translating the Vaastu Sastram (city Planning from Sanskrit to English).  It was Sunday morning at 9:30 am While my neighbors watching from their balconies, one young man wearing koupinam, Rudra garlands his neck and Vibhuti along with Danda and Kamanndalam (wooden stick and water pot) entered into my house.  I did not observe as I am facing the Sun and enjoying the sunshine and immersed in my translation job.  My wife came and told me that Sai Baba came.  He again conversed with me in Hindi language.  His face was glowing.  I had no doubt in my mind.  He was like a young SHIVA(DATTA) of age 16.  He asked me again Dakshina (donation) as he is going to conduct a Yagnam in Puri Jagannadh.

    This time without hesitation I asked him “how much you want”. Then he said “Give me all what you have “. I just opened the steel drawer and cash chest and gave all to Him .  He was very much pleased.  He poured Vibhuti creating from his hand into my palm.  He asked me to close the palm and open it in front of my wife.  My parents were in the kitchen.  Generally they were all suspicious of this kind of Monks and saints.  I opened the palm and became as Red Kumkum (Turmeric powder mixed with red pigment).  I spoke loudly kumkum, kumkum.  Then he said do not speak loudly.  Keep this in pocket and clothes.   BABA told that HE will send me to the United Sates of America to do HIS WORK (Divine Service).  HE walked out of my house and flew into the sky while all people were looking from their houses.  I was working as an Assistant Director of Town Planning, Government of Andhra Pradesh, and Hyderabad, India at that time.

    Finally as per HIS word I came to USA on September 21,1976.  Sri Shiridi Sai Baba Temple (organization) started in 1979 on the orders and guidance of Sai Baba.  Several Yagnas and services are being performed in the USA & India for the welfare of the denizens of all the worlds from 1982 until today.

    The meaning of TEN RUPEES DAKSHINA is to give 10 SENSES.  In short BABA’s main objective of taking donation (DAKSHINA) from his devotees is to teach the  lessons of Renunciation & Purification.


Aum Santhi, Shanthi, Shanthi  (Peace, Peace, Peace)