Dear Embodiments of Divine Love,
With Divine intervention, the dates of the 2025 Peace Yagna have been moved to FEB 3-5. This co insides with Ratha Saptami and Magha Sukla Ashtami. By Divine mother's grace all preparations are going well. There will be 121 priests for the Chandi and Maha Rudra Yagnam on Feb 5th.
Sponsor to be a part of this great Yagna and take the blessings!
Jai Sai Ram.
Dear Embodiments of Divine Love: Sai Baba, Shower HIS Grace upon all of us for a happy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year. Also let us express our gratitude to Baba for giving life and grant us equanimity.
The temple has been conducting Peace yagnas for over the years. We thank all the devotees for their generous support.
This year with Baba’s command, we are performing the Peace Yagnas in India with our Vedic students and Sri Maha Rudra & Sata Chandi 121 Acharyas.
The sound (Mantras) and Light (from Fire) of Yagnas will cleanse consciousness in all levels of creation, confer Peace and bliss to all beings, eliminate wickedness and animal tendencies, and enhance integrity. Due to rising costs, the Temple needs more support than ever to perform the Yagnas. Please donate generously, and thank you for your support. May Baba bless us all.
“Coincidences are God’s way of staying anonymous”- Albert Einstein.
Peace, Tranquility, and Serenity.
Veeravenkata Malyala, President
World Peace Yagna SPONSORSHIPS 2025
Prasadam - Gold Pendant, Blessed Dhoti & Saree
All the donors will receive prasadam from the Yagna
World Peace Yagna Benefactor - $25,000
Prasadam - Gold Pendant, Blessed Dhoti & Saree
All the donors will receive prasadam from the Yagna
World Peace Yagna Patron - $10,000
Prasadam - Gold Pendant, Blessed Dhoti & Saree
All the donors will receive prasadam from the Yagna
World Peace Yagna Sponsor - $2500
Prasadam - Gold Pendant, Blessed Dhoti & Saree
All the donors will receive prasadam from the Yagna
World Peace Yagna Donors - $1116
Prasadam - Gold Pendant, Blessed Dhoti & Saree
All the donors will receive prasadam from the Yagna
Monday, Feb 3 - Ganapathi & Sri Maha Vishnu
Tuesday, - Feb 4 - Sri Surya, Navavarna Archana and Jyothirlinga
Wednesday, Feb 5 - Satha Chandi & Maha Rudra Yagnam, Poornahuthi and Veda Swasthi with 121 Priests
The Theme of 2025 Yagnas:
1. World Peace & Health and Wealth of all beings.
2. Mental Peace and family stability.
3. Economic stability and development for all.
4. New Temple
5. Prosperity for our SAI FAMILY & Supporters.
Aum Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Niraamayaah | Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu Ma Kashchid Dukhabhaag Bhavet I Aum Shanti Shantih Shantih ||
Aum, May all be happy, May all be free from illness,
May all witness everything auspicious, and May no one suffers Aum Peace, peace, peace.
World Peace Yagna day Yagna (All Day Puja) -$504
Puja Sponsorship:
Maha Rudra Homam - $252
Chandi Saptasathi Homam - $154
Surya Namaskaralu - $154
Sahasra Jyothirlinga - $108
KumKum Puja or Bilva Archana - $108
Devata Kalyanam - $108
GO "COW" RAkSHANA - Feed the Cow
Special - GO Daanam - $1116
Brahmana Bhojanam - Feed the Priest - $21
($21x121) Deeksha Vastram & Brahmana bhojanam
(121) Priest Dakshina $54
Deepalu $11; $21;$54;$108; $252;$1008
ANNADANAM - Annadanam ($54,$108, $252,$1008, or more)
Shirdi Sai Saba Temple
Pittsburgh, PA
Panchayatana Sata Chandi Sahita Maha Rudra Yagnam
Monday, Feb 3, - Wednesday, Feb 5, in - INDIA